Zandelle - Unleashed

Searching for adventure, since you were a child
Forests, seas and deserts traveled many miles
Facing many dangers, always tempting fate
Knowing you'd find treasure, greed your only bait
None could deter you from your goal
None could prevent you from achieving all you wanted
Fame and gold
One day you discovered riches piled so high
Luxury and comfort the rest of your life
Naive of the curse on the gold
Because of you an ancient evil has awakened

[Chorus Part 1]
To reclaim it's stolen gold and avenge the crime
Can't you see you've run out of time
It will track you down wherever you many hide
'Cause you know in the end by the demon's hand you'll die

[Chorus Part 2]
What have I done
Can't believe what my greed is costing me
I must fight to survive some way to win there must be
No more time, cannot hide, how I pray I do not die
Many miles, land and sea ancient evil hunting me

[Chorus Part 3]
I will find you, you can't hide
I will make you wish you'd die

[Chorus Part 4]
My power shall guide me my strength will live on
You'll cower before me from now on
I'll come forth in the night under pale yellow moonlight
A shambling figure of decay
Through death and beyond I will hunt the one
Who took my gold

[Solo: Maglio]
[Solo: Durfy]

You're in fear for your life, you've only one chance
You must put the treasure back in the demon's hands
You curse the day you found the hoard
Because of you an ancient evil has awakened